Musical Spoons
Musical spoons are a great way to add music and enjoyment to family time. All three sizes and styles of these spoons are handmade in Canada from maple wood.
The small spoon is the Giboulée, named for “the first snow” that happens in Québec in the early fall. This spoon produces the highest tone and can be used by children from 3 to 6 years old.
1.5 x 1.5 x 8.25 inches
The medium spoon produces a nice low tone. It's the perfect size for adults who want to start playing the musical spoons as well as for children 6 years and older. Its design is inspired by two traditional spoons joined together.
2.2 x 1.5 x 9 inches
The large musical spoon is the most versatile. The flat bottom cavity of the large spoon makes it easy to modulate and change tones. The longer handle allows players to perform faster beats, making it the most popular size for musicians.
2 x 2.35 x 10.6 inches